City Administrator Jim Pruetting was appointed by the Mayor and City Council in May 2019 to direct the Administration of Gardner under their direction and vision for the City.

He is responsible for providing organizational leadership and ensures the strategic goals set by the Governing Body are achieved. 

Pruetting directs the delivery of municipal services and provides expert advice on ity operations. He also plans, organizes and directs the activities of all municipal operations.

As the City Administrator, Pruetting is responsible for appointing all Department Directors with Council approval. Additionally, he performs activities as provided in the Municipal Code such as ensuring that all laws and ordinances are enforced and implementing policies established by the City Council.

Pruetting's duties also include:

  • Developing and implementing policy
  • Supervising the operation of Gardner Departments
  • Managing budget development
  • Introducing innovative methods to enhance the betterment of the community
  • Setting council meeting agendas
  • Reporting to the City Council on administrative activities