Gardner, KS
Home MenuAccess Management Code
Access management can be defined as “the systematic control of the location, spacing, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, interchanges, and street connections to a roadway.” The purpose of the Access Management Code is to provide a tool for the City and developers to manage access to land development while preserving regional traffic flow. The code recognizes both the right of reasonable access to private property and the right of the citizens of the City of Gardner to safe and efficient travel. To achieve this policy intent, the code draws on existing regional and national access management guidelines to set policies and standards.
The Access Management Code provides design guidance and criterion based on street classification and proximity to intersections and interchanges. Some of the key points of the code address the following:
- Spacing of connections (driveways and intersections) and traffic signals
- The installation and use of medians (primarily at future intersections)
- Auxiliary turn lanes (left and right turn lanes)
- Site circulation and joint or cross access arrangements
- The application of the code to redevelopment projects
- Guidelines for transportation impact studies that are required for new developments
- Review, exception, and appeals processes