Gardner, KS
Home MenuGardner Comprehensive Plan
The City of Gardner Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2014. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide that assists the community with decision making related to future growth and development of the city.
City of Gardner Comprehensive Plan
1. Introduction (1-6)
2. Community Profile (7-28)
3. Public Participation (29-38)
4. Vision, Goals, & Objectives (39-46)
5. Land Use & Development [updated 6-27-16] (47-76) Future Land Use Map
6. Transportation & Mobility (77-92)
7. Community Facilities & Services (93-100)
8. Parks, Open Space & Environmental Features (101-110)
9. Image & Identity (111-116)
10. Sustainability Framework (117-120)
11. Implementation (121-131)
12. Capital Improvements Element [updated 11/2020]
The plan is a large document and has been broken into the following three parts:
- Section 1: Pages 1-38 [updated 6-27-16]
- Section 2: Pages 39-86 [updated 6-27-16]
- Section 3: Pages 87-131